As you are unique, and there is no one in the world exactly like you, the chances are that there is no way of life that you can fit into perfectly.
In light of this, I have a series of important questions for you:
- What are your unique talents and strengths?
- Explain precisely the reason(s) why you have those talents and strengths?
- What have top achievers with your talents and strengths achieved?
- What personal genius do you possess?
- What will your personal genius allow you to achieve with relative ease?
- How will you use your personal genius on a daily basis to achieve your unique purpose in life?
- What is your unique purpose in life?
- How will you become good at learning new skills very quickly so that you can transmit your genius to others?
- How long will it take exactly for you to learn these new skills?
- How do you structure, organise, and manage your life to give full expression to your talents and strengths, and genius?
- How have your internal thoughts and feelings given shape to your current life?
- How will you control your thoughts and feelings to create your desired future?
Do you see where I am going with this? Without the answers to these questions, it becomes extremely difficult to be sure that
- You are on the right track
- You are really achieving your full potential, and not just fulfilling the expectations of those around you
- Every major decision that you take will move you towards experiencing more satisfaction, fulfillment, peace, happiness, and significance in your life – as opposed to pain, struggle, exhaustion, or boredom
- You are living your unique destiny and not just going through the motions
This type of knowledge is critical and central to the idea of moving beyond intelligence. We all face the same challenge in terms of knowing how to use our intelligence to design and create our perfect life.
The Reading Course
There are several books, book reviews, and articles (below) that I recommend, if you are serious about moving beyond intelligence.*
- How to Read a Book (Book Review)
- Strengthfinder 2.0 (Book Review)
- Is Your Genius at Work?
- The 4 Stage Learning Process & The Conscious and Unconscious Mind (Book Review)
- Why You Must Learn Strategically? (Article)
- Getting Things Done (Book Review)
- The First 20 Hours
- As a man thinketh
These books, book reviews, and articles build off one another to such an extent that it is almost guaranteed that they will drastically change your life forever.
Reading one of these documents only could have a huge impact, but completing three or four is likely to have an immeasurable effect.
It will set you up to excel at whatever you choose to do, providing you with a well-earned advantage.
However, within the personal development field, the size of your improvement is heavily dependant on the level of your commitment.
*These books, book reviews, and articles are only an important tip of a very large iceberg of knowledge. Therefore, please look out for any possible updates to the reading list in the future. Alternatively, if you would like any further or more specific guidance, please do not hesitate to contact me at tommyoffe@admin.
What is Beyond Intelligence?
In my view, beyond intelligence* is when you:
- Move past the ability to learn, reason, and understand with a high mental capacity
- Arrive at the point where learning, reasoning, and understanding feels so easy that there is simply no other way that you would approach anything but intelligently
- Without compromise, use your high mental capability to create a successful life on the outside, as well as within
- Become extremely creative or innovative, changing the things that already exist to create something out of nothing so to speak
Moving beyond Intelligence requires practice that is never-ending, and is a science as well as an art:
- Science in the respect that developing intelligence means acquiring knowledge, and the gaining of knowledge involves a process
- Art in the respect that you must determine your purpose, what type of knowledge to gain, and how to use it to achieve internal and external success
I use the term beyond intelligence as a creative way to introduce you to the knowledge that I have accumulated over the last two decades – information that has been around in various forms for thousands of years.
*The dictionary ( defines intelligence as
- ‘capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding and similar forms of mental activity; aptitude in grasping truths, relationships, facts, meanings, etc.’
- ‘manifestation of a high mental capacity
The Importance of Creativity
To move beyond intelligence, developing your creativity is highly likely to be an essential part of your progress.
It is not a coincidence that extreme creativity may put you in contact with divine spirit, the creator – as it is a God like quality.
Typically, before you can become extremely creative, you must first become highly intelligent.
The reason is that unless you learn, reason, and understand traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like with a high mental capacity, it may be very difficult to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, and so on.*
* defines creativity as
- the state or quality of being creative
- the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc.; originality, progressiveness, or imagination