Elon Musk: How the Billionaire CEO of Spacex and Tesla is Shaping Our Future Today, many people would consider Elon Musk to be one of the greatest …
[Read more...] about Elon Musk: The World’s Biggest Thinker?
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Elon Musk: How the Billionaire CEO of Spacex and Tesla is Shaping Our Future Today, many people would consider Elon Musk to be one of the greatest …
[Read more...] about Elon Musk: The World’s Biggest Thinker?
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Dear Friend, SuperReading for Success is a highly respected reading course created over 14 years ago by Ron Cole for people who want to Improve their …
[Read more...] about SuperRead Your Way to Your Highest Level of Achievement!
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Many people consider Sam Walton to be the unchallenged retail-trading king of the late twentieth century. Starting with one small American store in 1945, …
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The Power of Full Engagement is another extremely important book that I recommend from the deepest part of who I am and what I live and stand for. As I expect …
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. ‘Study the fellow who is shuffling down there in mediocrity. He believes he is worth little so he receives little…. As time goes by, lack of belief in …
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. Everybody I know (myself included) has an environment and lifestyle that matches his or her dominant thoughts and feelings, without question. Those who …
[Read more...] about How to Achieve the Highest Level of Achievement!
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As you are unique, and there is no one in the world exactly like you, the chances are that there is no way of life that you can fit into perfectly. In light …
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Since learning about commodities (gold and silver specifically) in 2012, I have struggled to be truly stirred by anything else. “Seek, and ye shall find” The …
[Read more...] about Learn about the Extreme Importance of Commodities NOW!
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If you rely on any education system or reputable profession for knowledge, the chances are that you will limit yourself. This is because these institutions …
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Hi, If you are content and entirely happy with the life that you are currently living then please do not read this review any further. Moreover, if you want to …
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“If you wish to be happy then study happiness and if you wish to be wealthy then study wealth!” Are you serious about making money? Do you accept that no …
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We must always be in search of new ways to improve our lives and find the latest methods to do the things that we do, better. Understanding the economy and …
[Read more...] about Why Africa May Boom For The Next 30 Years!
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Right now is the start of the rest of your life! Regardless of how many mistakes you have made, or how much time you have wasted, or how much you wish you …
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In life, it is guaranteed that you will worry, obsess, and at times for ever try to control everyone or everything around you. This will cause you to lose a …
[Read more...] about Why Developing Your Spiritual Intelligence Is So Important!
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. If you want to achieve business success in Ghana, in my opinion, it is mandatory that you learn about entrepreneurship from accomplished Ghanaian …
[Read more...] about How to Achieve Business Success in Ghana?
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A holistic approach to weight-training allows me to benefit tremendously in many areas of my life. For example, in terms of increasing my intellectual …
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. THE WORSE FINANCIAL CRISES ARE YET TO COME! It is almost 2013, and the majority of us are still suffering from the consequences of the financial crisis that …
[Read more...] about How to Protect Yourself Against The Next Financial Crisis!
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Dear Friend, I must let you know about two essential ideas within the subject of NLP that you can use to think 10x bigger, and propel yourself towards becoming …
[Read more...] about The Conscious and Unconscious Mind & The 4 Stage Learning Process
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Dear Reader, After reading extensively for several years around the subjects of business, finance, and personal wealth creation, I was pleasantly surprised …
[Read more...] about All of the Best Ways of Making Money Without the Need for Years of Study!
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The chances are that others have limited, are limiting, and will limit your intelligence in the future; therefore, to protect yourself, you may have to learn …
[Read more...] about Stop Others Limiting Your Intelligence from Today!
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[Read more...] about Protected: How to Read 100’s of Books Easily!
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Why Start at the Bottom? If we study those who have achieved extra-ordinary levels of success. It will reveal that many great sportspersons, presidents, …
[Read more...] about A Strategic Way to Choose & Read Books!
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Dear Reader, It will become more and more important to appreciate that there are exceptional ways of living in this increasingly uncertain world, therefore, I …
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Dear Reader, “It troubles me, deeply, that many of us will never fully understand the banking system, especially as banks have such a tremendous influence on …
[Read more...] about Why Intelligent People Fully Understand the Banking System!
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Dear Reader, ‘Damn Right!’ is a biography about Charles T. Munger that provides us with a clear example of why it is necessary, and how powerful we may grow, …
[Read more...] about Why the Highly Intelligent Are Self-Educated & Multi-Disciplinary!
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Dear Friend, Why Become a Millionaire? Whether we live in developing or developed countries, many of us can easily detect that money is being used to …
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Dear Reader, Amongst the books I highly recommend, 'The 80/20 Principle' is an essential text to read, because, in agreement with the author, I argue that this …
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Dear Reader, In terms of what it really takes to achieve extraordinary levels of success, I argue that this book ‘Outliers’ is highly significant, especially, …
[Read more...] about Why Talent with 10 Years Hard Work is Needed to Become World-Class!
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[Read more...] about Protected: How to Achieve Your Full Potential Being Relaxed & 100% Organised!
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Dear Lawyers, Strategically speaking, it may be important that you read The End of Lawyers?, because throughout the book, the author (Richard Susskind) points …
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Dear Reader, ‘Now Discover Your Strengths’ may be an extremely important book to read, because in agreement with the authors (Marcus Buckingham & Donald O. …
[Read more...] about How to Discover Your True Talents in 35 Minutes!