Strategic Intelligence Next Actions
- Buy another book regarding stock market small cap trading.
- Start each day with 90 minutes work sessions (x2) minimum.
- Continue to not look at your instagram Likes or WhatsApp messages for the first two 90 minute sessions of each day.
- Continue to use quotes from books to make the points that I would like to make to command others to step-up.
- Send a WhatsApp to Carla in relation to the question you asked her the other day regarding choosing a book.
- Continue to expect others to pursue limitlessness throughout their lives without question.
- Focus on developing your intelligence brand and referring legal cases and providing non-financial advice investment information.
- Get David and Olu and Simon to complete the future timeline.
- Continue to provide others with weekly planning guidance and advice.
- Continue to discover and read books written by the best productivity and effectiveness writers
- Continue to orientate Involgize around being Strategic – give interviews explaining how I started reading… growing up in the hood I had an appreciate for the fact that money makes the world go around… I looked into learning about money from Billionaires… I discovered from them that money is a by-product… that the most important things is creating culture… that I help setup Involgize to live up to their advice… the process continues.
- Continue to create content with the intention of being useful by attempting to change lives forever.
Strategic Intelligence Learning Points
- Reminded by this book that everything is about breaking things down into small steps… then making small progress everyday. This is something that I will continue to do in regard to researching an extremely profitable angle for my trading business, and trading for a living.
. - This is definitely something that I am going to start doing immediately… making sure that I have a minimum of two 90 minute session each day before I allow anything to distract me – such as responding to messages on my phone or interacting with others.
. - I now better appreciate why not looking at the Likes on my Instagram, and not looking at my WhatsApp messages is so important… as by doing so, I get a dopamine shot that I will not be able to prevent; therefore, this will lead to me being distracted for the remainder of the day.
. - Interestingly, I follow Brian Tracy’s advice already… using social media to post about my life goals and develop things in a way that will support me to conquer them…. confirming that I am completely on the same frequency as him. It allows me to make this same point to others on instagram without them having to attribute it solely to me, and thus seem like a personal attack on their character. In fact, quoting from books allows me to say all the things that I would choose to say to others without having to say anything… so it’s a perfect strategy.
. - The following point is something that I have always been attempting to make, but less successfully… when choosing to read a book a person should focus on what is it in them that is holding them back. Therefore, this book has really helped me better articulate what I have discovered or learned overtime about planning strategically; and what best to say precisely when guiding others…. (1) Why are you not at your goal already? …. (2) What in you is holding you back? Once you have answered these questions… then you should choose a book that will help you move forward in relation to this issue.
. - Brian Tracy has succinctly stated what I now appreciate more than ever in my life…. a person will have more potential than they will ever have time to develop in their lifetime, so it’s just a case of how much will they manage to work on whilst they are alive. This is the natural starting point, yet we live in a society where the starting point is one of negation… the assumption is that some people are capable, and others are not, so finding out which you group you fall into is the focus as opposed to focusing on truly maximising our intelligences.
. - This book reminded me of the importance for each person, first, identifying what are the key tasks that make them really valuable… and then focus on developing those key tasks so that they smashed through their goals as quickly as possible. I think my key tasks are the following:
Being useful to others in regard to Cryptos knowledge
Being useful to others in regard to legal knowledge (legal rainmaker)
Being useful to others in terms of my ability to represent intelligence and the image of a professional gentleman (growing branding and marketing ability)
Being a person who advises others on how to think strategically and solve-problems
. - The question is… out of my existing key tasks, which ones currently contribute the most? I think being a legal rainmaker (referring cases relating to black business professionals) can contribute the most in the short-term. I am developing myself into someone that can give – non-financial advice – investing information (successful professional trader).
. - This book re-assured me that I have been doing exactly the right thing when I have left many lower-value activities untouched, and focused primarily on completing my reading and other Involgize stuff in the knowledge that it was never going to be possible to get everything done.
. - This book really allowed me to appreciate the importance of the future timeline. In the respect that it is vital because what really separates the mega-successful from everybody else… is their future orientation. The super-successful just look at everything five, ten, and twenty years out into the future… exactly like Jeff Bezos and others. Therefore, I must continue to do this… get David and Olu to do the timeline as well.
. - This book confirms importance of weekly planning as a 80/20 activity as I have always known… only this book called it the 10/90 Rule which I think is a better characterisation.
. - This book really showed that everything boils down to writing out a list of stuff that you need to do everyday regardless of what system you use – whether technological or otherwise. It’s that simple… so this text reassured me that I am providing others with the correct type of advice in terms of my planning system.
. - I have to attack my biggest challenge of creating a successful trading company, and trading for a living, by breaking it down into steps… current step… trading business plan… so I need to carry out trading research… which means that I have to continue reading books and absorbing information that will allow me to formulate a strong trading company – and remind me to trade and invest everyday.
. - This book reminded me of the importance of never missing a day in relation to working on my mission as it is an important part of breaking big challenges down into achievable small steps.
. - Again, the importance of weekly planning is indirectly stressed in the book in respect that most adults do not write down clear goals… and this is what separates those who are super achievers from those who are not.
. - It is all about the first two 90 minute sessions each day… in terms of personal effectiveness… it is really that simple.
. - This book has reminded me of the importance of ensuring that I am continuously learning from those who have mastered productivity and effectiveness by reading their books and listening to their talks…. and never becoming too complacent.
. - This book has allowed me to appreciate that the concept of reading and learning strategically is not really an idea, in my humble opinion, but in reality just plain common sense. Therefore, it is something that I should continue to expect to be the fabric of how others choose to function – whether they subscribe to it or not.
. - This book reminded me that everything I say, write, and do… is in the hope that it changes the lives of others forever. I want others to change so radically that their change has the affect of making the world a better place in whatever way they choose… that they use their lives to challenge the status quo in favour of disruption.
Key Strategic Extracts from ‘Eat That Frog!’
‘You will be amazed at how helpful each technique is in overcoming procrastination. I have several friends who have become bestselling authors by simply resolving to write one page or even one paragraph per day until the book was completed. And you can do the same (p. 92).’
‘… work nonstop for ninety minutes with no diversion or distraction, and then give yourself a fifteen-minute break (p. 88).’
‘When you start your day with a few shots of dopamine triggered by your e-mail or IM bell going off, you find it extremely difficult to pay close attention to your important tasks for the rest of the day…. solution…. don’t check your e-mail in the morning and immediately trigger the all-day dopamine addiction. Leave your devices off (p. 87-88).’
‘Stop being enslaved by social media, and make it work for you instead. It’s simple: instead of posting something trite, post about your life goals and seek the social support to conquer them (p. 85).’
‘Technology can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Technology becomes the enemy when we give in to an obsessive need to communicate continually (p. 76).’
‘Whether you’re trying to get to work on time in the morning or build a successful career, there are always limiting factors and bottlenecks that set the speed of your progress. Your job is to find them and to focus your energies on alleviating them as quickly as possible (p. 67).’
‘Look into Yourself…. Successful people always begin the analysis of constraints by asking the question, “What is it in me that is holding me back?” (p. 65).’
‘Identify the Limiting Factor…. The accurate identification of the limiting factor in any process and the focus on that factor can usually bring about more progress in a shorter period than any other single activity (p. 64).’
‘Identify Your Key Constraints….. What is holding you back? What sets the speed at which you achieve your goals? What determines how fast you move from where you are to where you want to go? What stops you or holds you back from eating that frogs that can really make a difference? Why aren’t you at your goal already?….
‘Whatever you have to do, there is always a limiting factor that determines how quickly and well you get it done. Your job is to study the task and identify the limiting factor or constraint within it. You must then focus all of your energies on alleviating that single choke point (p. 63).’
‘No matter what the level of your ability you have more potential than you can ever develop in a lifetime (p. 52).’
‘I had been working very hard for more than eight years, and I doubled my income in just one month by focusing all my time and energy on my three key tasks (p. 47).’
‘You must dedicate yourself to contributing more results to your company. And three key tasks always contribute the most (p. 47).’
‘Rule: You can get your time and your life under control only to the degree to which you discontinue lower-value activities (p. 31).’
‘The first question is, “What are my highest-value activities?” Put another way, what are the biggest frogs that you have to eat to make the greatest contribution to your organisation? To your family? To your life in general? (p. 27).’
‘The Law of Forced Efficiency… “There is never enough time to do everything, but there is always enough time to do the most important thing (p. 25).’
‘Successful people have a clear future orientation. They think five, ten and twenty years out into the future…. analyse their choices and behaviours in the present to make sure that what they are doing today is consistent with the long-term future that they desire (p. 23).’
‘… 10/90 Rule…. the first 10 percent of time that you spend planning and organising your work before you begin will save you as much as 90 percent of the time in getting the job done once you get started (p. 16).’
‘The most sophisticated Outlook system, computer app, or time planner is based on the same principle. It is based on your sitting down and making a list of everything you have to do before you begin (p. 13).’
‘… “How do you eat an elephant?” The answer is “One bite at a time!” How do you eat your biggest, ugliest frog? The same way: you break it down into specific step-by-step activities and then you start on the first one (p. 12).’
‘You may engage in a specific period of physical exercise. You may learn a certain number of new words in a foreign language, Whatever it is, you must never miss a day (p. 10).’
‘Only about 3 percent of adults have clear, written goals. These people accomplish five and ten times as much as people of equal or better education and ability but who, for whatever reason, have never taken the time to write out exactly what they want (p. 8).’
‘… “Practice, man, practice”….. Practice is the key to mastering any skill (p. 5).’
‘Successful, effective people are those who launch directly into their major tasks and then discipline themselves to work steadily and single-mindedly until those tasks are complete (p. 3).’
‘An average person who develops the habit of setting clear priorities and getting important tasks completed quickly will run circles around a genius who talks a lot and makes wonderful plans but who gets very little done (p. 1).’
‘I have studied time management for more than forty years. I have immersed myself in the works of Peter Drucker, Alec Mackenzie, Alan Lakein, Stephen Covey, and many, many others (p. x).’
‘Just find out what other successful people do and do the same things until you get the same results. Learn from the experts. Wow! What an idea (p. xi).’
‘Thank you for picking up this book…. In fact, I hope this book changes your life forever (p. ix).’