10 Recommended Books
The following 10 books has been specifically chosen from a list of over 700 books (Tommy’s Booklist) to open and accelerate your true personal power:
- Is Your Genius at Work?
- Eat That Frog
- Mastery
- Psycho-Cybernetics
- 10 Days to Faster Reading
- Relentless
- The 10X Rule
- The Magic of Thinking Big
- The Courage to be Dislike
- The 80/20 Principle
They purposely cover a range of subjects within the personal-development and spiritual growth field in order to bring you up to speed fast, giving you a tremendous head-start.
These books can grow your personal power to such an extent that it would be nonsensical to focus your time and attention on anything else until you have them under your belt.
1. Is Your Genius at Work?

The first, and most important, book on the list is Is Your Genius at Work? because this text will allow you to discover your unique genius in two-words.
Armed with your two-word unique genius, you will know exactly what makes you special and potentially irreplaceable in the world.
With the emergence of AI, not knowing your two-word genius is likely to leave you vulnerable in some way to being replaced by a computer in the foreseeable future.
The expression of your two-word genius in the real world is essentially what your special purpose is in life.
Even though the front cover of this book looks quite juvenile, and its sub-heading seems geared towards those looking for a career, it contains around 30 different exercises that will allow you to grow tremendously in self awareness (self-intelligence).
Your two-word genius acts as a north-star to direct you as to what other intelligences you should build, and when you should build them.
Without it, it will be like wondering around a dark room (of life) bumping into things whilst you try to decide which direction to go.
Once you have completed Is Your Genius at Work? we then encourage you to read the remaining 9 books in no particular order.
Depending on what subject matter would serve the developing of your two-word genius immediately, we advise you start reading the related text as soon as possible.
2. Eat That Frog

Nobody is born highly organised and effective. Rather, these are traits or qualities that you are going to have to learn and practice in order to become extremely productive throughout the course of your life.
The great thing is that this stuff is not rocket science.
By reading 2 or 3 books on personal productivity and applying the knowledge that you acquire you will be well on your way, over time, to mastering this subject.
In this regard, Eat That Frog has been selected among the first 10 Involgize books because the author (Brian Tracy) has spent more than 40 years teaching others how to increase their personal productivity and effectiveness.
This international bestseller contains 21 strategies or techniques that the most successful people in society use to super-achieve and accomplish more than average.
As far as we are concerned (Involgizers), most (if not all) people should have read a book like this or be applying knowledge that it contains.
In other words, because we live in the Information Age, the knowledge it hold should be a minimum standard requirement. And not something that many will find out about by accident or good fortune.
3. Psycho-Cybernetics

In the long run, the way you truly see yourself from deep within (your self-image) is what you are going to become.
Whether that is being a sportsperson, an entertainer, a professional, an employee, a victim, a survivor, a criminal, and so on.
It is all just a question of time.
This does not mean, however, that you are totally responsible for the self-image or images that you create.
This is because there are many influences, and interest groups, in society that want you to see yourself in certain ways.
In fact, you will find that many corporations, governments, and religious organisations spend billions of dollars every year to encourage you to identify with a particular tribe, or group, so that they can successfully sell you their products, permanently capture your attention, or shape your beliefs.
This is where the book Psycho-Cybernetics comes into play.
To ensure that you create a long-term self-image that will allow you to master your unique genius, chances are, you are going to need to understand this subject in depth in order to start re-wiring your brain.
The writer, Maxwell Maltz, spent more than 40 years distilling the important area within this subject (chapters of the book), allowing you to come along and apply the key lesson from his entire life experience within a matter of weeks.
From an Involgizer’s perspective, it would be crazy for you not to.
4. Mastery

The book Mastery reveals that, in the main, there are four different types of people:
- Dabblers
- Obsessives
- Hackers
- Masters
However, in order to develop your unique genius, you are going to have to become a Master because

Dabblers are people who loves new things, new jobs, new relationships, new opportunities; so as soon as they reach the inevitable plateau (a long period with no quick rewards and numerous setbacks), they tend to first make excuses, then quit and start something brand new.

Obsessives are individuals who are purely goal orientated. They want to achieve their desired results as quickly as possible, and are willing to do whatever it takes.
As a result, they willingly refuse to spend anytime on the plateau, always looking for ways to make quicker and quicker progress.
As a consequence, obsessives move forward like a rollercoaster. They experience sudden and violent improvements up followed by counterbalancing downs – until inevitably they fail or fall.

Hackers deliberately, and happily, live on the plateau, experiencing no quick rewards as their way of life.
They purposely try to escape doing anything that will move them out of their comfort zone, or cause them to confront the uncertainties in the world.
And always look for shortcuts, or a way to avoid doing the work required to become a Master.

Learning anything new will require jumps of progress followed by long periods of zero reward and numerous setbacks.
Therefore, Masters have to be willing to spend most of their time on the plateau.
To keep practicing even when it seems that they are getting nowhere.
In other words, Masters must learn how to practice practicing, primarily, for the sake of practice itself.
Like the other nine special books, the writer of Mastery has spent his entire life (40+ years) focused on his subject.
Therefore, if you can, you would have to be mad to not to take a week or so to mentally download all of his life lessons.
Because by doing this, you can perfect your unique genius and special purpose as soon as possible.
5. 10 Days to Faster Reading

For many of us, the faster we can learn, then the quicker we will be able to master our unique genius and special purpose.
This is why reading is still so important.
As a learning (thinking) tool, when done properly, there is currently nothing more time-saving and effective at upgrading a person’s thoughts.
However, due to compulsory schooling, many of us (if not most) do not know how to read both quickly and extremely well.
The good news is that learning how to become a brilliant and fast reader only requires reading 1 or 2 books about the subject, and a little practice.
You, definitely, do not need to be considered intelligent, have a high IQ, or have a strong academic background.
What you do need, though, is just the desire to become smarter.
This is where 10 Days to Faster Reading comes into play.
By reading a book like this, not only will you see firsthand how weak the majority of (if not all) education systems are.
But you can start to follow the easy steps necessary to remedy the problem, and build a limitless intellect.
6. Relentless

Relentless has been selected as one of the first ten special books because it gives you a window into what you may probably become if you master your unique genius.
You will develop a Master’s (see Mastery book above) mindset. What Tim S. Grover refers to as a Cleaner.
By knowing what a Cleaners does and does not do, today, you can start measuring to what extent your current thoughts (psychology) and actions compare to the world most recognised super achievers.
Once you know where you are, the challenge is either to continue improving, or to start making up the difference immediately.
A Cleaner, for example, does the following:
- “A Cleaner’s attitude can be summed up in three words: I own this.. these are the most driven individuals you’ll ever know… they don’t just perform a job, they reinvent it (p 36-37).”
. - “Cleaner is calm and unflappable, cool and steady, never too high or too low, never happy or too depressed. He (she) never sees problems, only situations to resolve… (p 40).”
. - “They’re never in it for the money (p 41).”
. - “Michael (Jordan) was the only player I’ve ever known who was completely in the zone every time he played, always a Cleaner (p 87).”
. - “I’m talking about being so prepared, with so many options and so much experience, that you’re truly ready for anything (p 179).”
. - “… Michael… never showed any frustration… his body language and demeanour never changed. He’d just say, you’re not playing tonight? That’s fine, I’ll play for all five of us… I’ll do the rest (p 199).”
. - “Michael forced every one of his teammates to be ready, to play better, harder, stronger… (p 204).”
. - “… no trainer… or expert can make you good or great or unstoppable if you’re not going to do the work (p 65).”
. - “… surround yourself with excellent people and keep those people accountable (p 292).”
Read (or listen to) this book from cover to cover to intentionally start altering or re-wiring your brain and changing your habits.
By the time you have finished, you will be well on your way to mastering your genius or becoming a more powerful person.
7. 10X Rule

Even though the writer (Grant Cardone) of The 10X Rule is accused of being a fraudster, his book is still included in the first 10, primarily, because it will inspire you to think much bigger (10X thinking).
Significantly, Cardone wrote The 10X Rule when he was 52 years old, sharing with the reader a lifetime of mistakes that he made before becoming reportedly worth around $700 million.
As stressed within one of the motivation videos that I often listen to on Youtube…
“If you want to be great, then let your words and actions display greatness.”
“If you want to be elite, then let your words and actions display eliteness.”
No one wakes up one day and automatically becomes a big thinker.
Rather, thinking big (like everything else) has to be learnt and practiced consistently until one day it becomes a habit.
And even at this point, you will still need to practice to ensure that it remains habitual.
It is for this reason that what you actually choose to think about will always be of secondary importance.
Instead, it is the size of your thinking that we (Involgize) encourage you to work on improving.
Once you discover two-word genius (Is Your Genius at Work?), for example, we will challenge you to think about how you can use it to positively change the world in some way – thinking as big as possible.
8. The Magic of Thinking Big

Similar to The 10X Rule, The Magic of Thinking Big is included within the first 10 books because it also teaches you how to expand the size of your thinking.
But it goes much deeper.
It was the first personal-development book that I read at age 14, yet its content has stood the test of time, causing it to become a classic international bestseller.
To master your genius you are going to have to learn how to walk, talk, and act differently from people who are unsuccessful.
And The Magic of Thinking Big is actually a training program (within a book) that will teach you exactly how to do so.
Like the writers of the other nine recommended books, the author of The Magic of Thinking Big, David Schwartz, has spent his entire life focused on how to think bigger.
To the point where, we (Involgizers) would have to be fools not to make full use of it within a couple of days or weeks.
9. The Courage to Be Disliked

The Courage to be Disliked powerfully reveals that all of our problems are interpersonal relationship problems.
In other words, there is a person or a group of people (typically family, friends, or significant other) in your life whom you worry about the way they see you.
As long as you hold on to the desire for their recognition, you will always be unfree.
Not only must you not seek to be recognised by them, but there is also no need to be.
Because, until you become unconcerned with what other people think about you, and rid yourself of the fear of being disliked, you will never be able to follow through with your own way of living.
Better put, you may never continue the process of mastering your unique genius and fulfil your special purpose in life.
This is why reading spiritually orientated literature like this are of extreme importance.
And all Involgizers are taught how to read spiritual growth books as a standard requirement.
Born in 1956, one of the writers (Ichiro Kishimi) has spent his whole life studying and teaching this subject.
So, again, the reoccurring theme: we would have to be out of our minds to not to use it to our complete advantage – especially as it will only require a number of days or weeks of reading or listening in order to do so.
10. The 80/20 Principle

The 80/20 Principle crucially reveals that there is usually an in built imbalance in everything.
From the amount of risk that you take to the unequal reward that you will receive, or the amount of effort you put in to the unfair result that you obtain;
Whether the actual difference may be 75/25, 95/5, 80/20, and so on;
Nothing tends to be truly equal.
We expect you, therefore, to apply the 80/20 principle to mastering your genius as well as everything else that you decide to do in life
In other words, Involgize teaches you how to focus on 20% of a body of information that will give you a 80% return in term of the results that you achieve.
The 10 recommended books, as a fine example, were chosen from a list of over 700 to save you a tremendous amount of time trying to work out how to discover and master your special genius.
These 10 books amount to less than 2% of the actual total booklist, which took more than 15 years to complete.
The point: learn to use all in built inequalities in life to your total advantage.